Looking to hire 4 writers for some articles on Power Sports vehicles; these vehicles include golf carts, snowmobiles, dirt bikes, and jet skis. The articles need to be from 1700-2000 words long; I will give the headlines to the writer. I can pay $20 for each article, so each writer will make $100. Ideally, I need one of these articles every day; the project needs to be completed by Saturday, the 3 Feb, at the latest. I am willing to pay half after two articles are completed satisfactorily (by Paypal), or to reduce Paypal costs I can pay at the end of the project. In fact, if I pay when all articles are completed I will throw in $3 to cover the Paypal costs. I get a lot of work, so if all goes well there is a good chance we can work together more. Please respond at mkrueger_4@hotmail.com ASAP so that we can get started. Thanks!
Contact: mkrueger_4@hotmail.com
Contact: mkrueger_4@hotmail.com