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Showing posts with the label adsense

Got My First Adsense Check

Hey Sorry for the late update. But there is Great News this time. I got my adsense cheque at home for 100$ -= 4920 Rs. Woow After 4 long years of adsense on blogging. Now I believe in my blogs and gonna try my luck with good blog posts. Sorry that i am not able to update the pic of the check.

A look back to my adsense earnings

My total adsense earnig is now 41 $. This is too . A long time for the earnig to reach 100$.Mayb they should reduce the payout amount to 50$. From my blog earnign, the major part is from My baby's new blog is doing good in a few days time with 49 clicks and 6.95 $. My hubby's new blog is also now linked to my adsense account and it has an earning of 2.56$ in 25 clicks. These two new blogs have a good Click rate. Great.. A long wait to 100$ indeed

Hot New Way to Cool Cash

This is a website I came across today. It was linked to "Earn money from blog" in Google adsense ad. So just gave it a try, thought will introduce myself to a new website. hmm.. I have not signed up yet. Dont know how genuien its contents are. The website name itself seeming a little odd to me. They pay per view. The blog owner will just have to add the nautanki tv feed to the side bar. There is pre and post video ad for each video displayed and the owner earns for each video displayed. The website promises 15 % of the advertising revenue. Anyone tried it out? Do write your genuine comments if you have tried it out

Adsense PIN

Got a postcard from adsense with a Personal Identification Number. It was yesterday when I logged in after a long time, that I came to know that some details had to be entered at google adsense. But I still haven't understood the need of this PIN number. Anyways, to my surprise I have a Google Adsense earning of 18.22$... But, to my dismay you will be paid only when the balance rwaches 100$. How many years to that goal!!!!!!!!!!!!

MY adsense earning.

To my surprise my AdSense earning has boomed from 1.06$ 3 months ago to a 8.35$ now. I don't have a good idea of how this happened. But sure I am gonna research on this . My this site is the r eason for this amount. This is my most lovable blog. What about your experience with Google AdSense