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Showing posts with the label Blog Earning

While searching for paid to write reviews, I cane across this website which pays you to blog. It seemed a new one to me so I went on ti sign in.. But my usual username was already used. So I just felt may Be i had signed in some time back. So I signed in with my username and I was through the the login. there are many such sites where I had signed it.. but totally forget about ti later. So, back ot the website, The website pays you to advertise on blogs. is a paid to blog website. I have just signed in. Keep checking for more updates on whats happening with this earning means. Hey and if i forget do give in a comment so that I can remember to update you

Back to blogging and finding good earn from blog opportunities. Thats when I came across this The website has a good look in a whole.. Thats all I can say now. I Have just registered here. You can add 10 blogs and thats an advanatage. I have tried adding two of my weblogs. Lets wait and watch. Any good experiences of even bad experiences with, please do share.

Payperpost v4.0 Alpha

So.. Got a mail from payperspot asking to activate my blogger accoutn after so long. And I have decided to give it a try. Its new and interesting. Hope it works for me. The offer is like you add your blog. you get 5$ per link and 0.03 per word. That means a good sounding 6.50 $ for 50 words +link. 8$ for 100words + link and 11$ for 20 words + link. Interesting indeed. But the only isue is advertisers have to choose you .... Will be givign in more info like long back.. atleast to populate my blog !! hehe

My KOntera Ad earnigs

Checking up my earnings on blog ads so far. Catught up with Kontera ads today One major disadvantage of Kontera ads is that they dont have a means to find the total earnings. Have a look at my earnings ..last quarter. I just can't understand anything from this.

A look back to my adsense earnings

My total adsense earnig is now 41 $. This is too . A long time for the earnig to reach 100$.Mayb they should reduce the payout amount to 50$. From my blog earnign, the major part is from My baby's new blog is doing good in a few days time with 49 clicks and 6.95 $. My hubby's new blog is also now linked to my adsense account and it has an earning of 2.56$ in 25 clicks. These two new blogs have a good Click rate. Great.. A long wait to 100$ indeed

Hot New Way to Cool Cash

This is a website I came across today. It was linked to "Earn money from blog" in Google adsense ad. So just gave it a try, thought will introduce myself to a new website. hmm.. I have not signed up yet. Dont know how genuien its contents are. The website name itself seeming a little odd to me. They pay per view. The blog owner will just have to add the nautanki tv feed to the side bar. There is pre and post video ad for each video displayed and the owner earns for each video displayed. The website promises 15 % of the advertising revenue. Anyone tried it out? Do write your genuine comments if you have tried it out

Earn from blog posts with

Its been long time since you got some good help from me right? So this is for all those visitors to my site who look forward to something new from my site. I love to share, and here i am sharing a new earn from blog posts site- . This is a new site and works somewhat similar to (I think so). I just came across the site recently and have made a few bids. Looking forward for my bids to get accepted. Is any of you already earning from this site? Don't forget to write your comments.. I will update you with more details as I get my bid accepted.

Adsense PIN

Got a postcard from adsense with a Personal Identification Number. It was yesterday when I logged in after a long time, that I came to know that some details had to be entered at google adsense. But I still haven't understood the need of this PIN number. Anyways, to my surprise I have a Google Adsense earning of 18.22$... But, to my dismay you will be paid only when the balance rwaches 100$. How many years to that goal!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kontera Ads

Kontera is one of the leading Inline- Text advertising providers. The inline ads are added after extensive research to suit the content of the blog/site. I just recently added Kontera ads to my system. havent got any clicks or earnings yet. Waiting to see a few pennies in my Kontera report. Adding Kontera ads to your system is rather easy. But I got the mail accepting my blog, from Kontera 1 month after I registered. Then it was very easy, I just ahve to add a html code to my site . I have even manually added the Kontera ads to certain posts only( posts other than sponsored posts) uisng this tag Opening tag: div class="KonaBody ( In angle brackets ) Closing tag : /div The site offers diffrent schemes of ad display. You can display simple text link pop-ups, video pop-ups, flash pop-ups and text+ image pop - ups. is my latest discovery of blog earning through links. The site provides banner ads, inline ads and other methods also.Ads for content and search, both are available at The advantage of is that the owner of the website/blog can choose what ads will be displayed on the site. Thus giving full control. The blogger can also choose the ads according to the ad click rate. You dont have to know any programming language to get started guess. I got the java script code after a small questionnaire. And I added the code using "Add Page Element" --> Html/Javascript. I added it to my sidebar. I choose Inline ads and waiting for it to be displayed.

Sell Affiliate Products

You can easily earn by selling products on your website or blog and earn income from the sales made through your site. I recently signed into a site for my blog . You too can sign up and add The products listed in the site Lebanese to your blog or website and start earning. I wont assure you anything. I have just started with this and hope to get success. Wish you also "Best of Luck" is great!!

I have been using Sponsoredreviews .com for earning from my blog since 3 months. And I have earned about 125 $ since then. Isn't ' it great?? I just had to keep my blog updated and rolling with intermediate posts. The site has offers which pays you 6.50 $ for just 50 words. The payment is like 65%. The site takes 35% and pays you 65%. That is, if the advertiser is paying 10$ for the post, you get 6.50$. For a few days I wasn't using it be cause I couldn't get time to update my blog. Now I am back to my favorite.. SO keep watching my blog for my Sponsoredreviews .com earnings updates

MY adsense earning.

To my surprise my AdSense earning has boomed from 1.06$ 3 months ago to a 8.35$ now. I don't have a good idea of how this happened. But sure I am gonna research on this . My this site is the r eason for this amount. This is my most lovable blog. What about your experience with Google AdSense is a link exchange site. Unlike other sites, you will get paid to post the link of any site on your blog or site. You can also choose to publish your site and increase its popularity for cheaper rates at I am waiting my 11$ for the month of OCtober and further from the site. Do tell me when you receive your offer, lets share

Earn from google adsense in your forum messages

I found this interesting site ForuMatrix . Sign up and create ur own Id. Post messages at the site and have your google adsense ads displayed with your google adsense publisher ID. The messages you post will display your google ads and every click on the gogole ads wille arn you google adsense cash. This is a very innovative and easy way to earn by google adsense. the site promotion work is done by the site owner. Only the regular posting of the messages has to be done to earn a few bucks. There is also another means of earning. When a visitor visits the ForuMatrix site with your referral id, all the messages will display the referer's google ads.

Payperpost ... Thank You

Payperpost came as a good discovery into my life. I was in search of a small blog earning where I will get paid for ads on blogs and I got it BIG with Payperpost. I have been makingmoney with payperpost since 4 months. I have already been paid around 450 $ via Payperpost. And have a 115 $ to be paid again. I am waiting to receive my 7000 Rs paypal check with just my Payperpost earnings coming in. will be receiving it by June 3rd I guess. I have made a list already for the money. Have to buy bangles and some fashion accessories for marriage. Then I have 2 cousins birthdays. So have to get gifts for them. A 1000 or so as pocket money and Looooo.. the money planning is done.. Now its just a wait for the cash.. Thank you payperpost is a site that pays you to write review of products, services and websites. it has a wnderful pay scale. The problem is that you need have a hell lot of patience for to have your blog accepted and to get the offer. Its been long time since I sined up and got my blog accepted but still havent got any offer :( Now, if any of you have got through, do write your experience here.

How to earn from your blog?

I got a scrap in my scrap book "hi reshma, i read ur post as u mentioned earning from blogging. can u plz provide some details abt the same? thanks :) " I am writing this post in reply to that. The first thing is to create a blog. You need have a lot of patience. make ur blog to have 20 posts and your blog should be 3 months old to have it accepted and in this time create some good traffic means for ur blog, some good links to your blog. Submit in directories. TRy to create a good page rank for your blog. Now when you are doen with it, sign in at the form in my blog side bar. You can earn around 5-10$ per day per post. It sure pays and I make a handsome amount every month. Wont tell u hw much... na.. U try for urself and see.. Will be a great source of income for spendn a few minutes everyday. If any doubts, do drop in a comment.