Kontera is one of the leading Inline- Text advertising providers. The inline ads are added after extensive research to suit the content of the blog/site.
I just recently added Kontera ads to my system. havent got any clicks or earnings yet. Waiting to see a few pennies in my Kontera report.
Adding Kontera ads to your system is rather easy. But I got the mail accepting my blog, from Kontera 1 month after I registered. Then it was very easy, I just ahve to add a html code to my site .
I have even manually added the Kontera ads to certain posts only( posts other than sponsored posts) uisng this tag
Opening tag: div class="KonaBody ( In angle brackets)
Closing tag : /div
The site offers diffrent schemes of ad display. You can display simple text link pop-ups, video pop-ups, flash pop-ups and text+ image pop - ups.
My name is Vereda and I'm from Kontera. Glad you have joined our network :).
If you’re interested in additional information about optimizing ContentLinks performance, please visit our official Kontera blog (blog.kontera.com).
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