"Need 300 - 500 word articles written. Lots of work available to anyone, anywhere.
PayPal payments weekly.
Money Orders weekly if you don't have PayPal.
Pay day is on Friday.
Beginning writers are fine. No copy/paste work.
They do random searches using various methods.
Please have passable 12th grade English skills.
Mail your rates, preferred method of payment and what areas of writing you are best at. The company have all sorts of topics, so they want to send you work you will not only enjoy but feel comfortable writing several a day without slowing down for a lot of research. You may send one link to a previous sample of your work. They will ask you to write one sample but it is paid for. If both are comfortable, They will give you more work. This is easy work, you can write as much or as little as you want each week.
There are no minimums. Unlimited work for the right people
Mail: vafirst@gmail.com